monks participated in the CB.
These stats are precise. But
accurate. Please see the
(They actually entered in 9838 characters - that's 100.0% of everything typed in
the chatterbox!)
LanX seems quizzical. 27.27% of their lines contained a question.
choroba is seeking knowledge as well. 16.66% of their lines were questions.
The loudest one is choroba, who yelled 22.22% of the time.
Another noisy monk is Discipulus, who shouted 19.04% of the time.
One monk who likes to GIVE EmPhAsIs is choroba, who used caps 4% of the time.
Another EmPhAtIc MONK is Corion, who held down the shift key 4% of the time.
Everyone has been nice to each other. No one attacked anyone else. (what the ...?)
Nobody said anything controversial, must not be anything going on.
Discipulus is a happy sort. 23.80% of their lines contained smiling faces :).
Corion is cheerful as well, smiling 21.73% of the time.
No one is really that sad. Hooray?
Corion has a mind like an open book. 4.34% of their lines contained thought bubbles.
Corion wrote the longest lines, averaging 91.87 letters per line.
Discipulus tried to keep up, but could only maintain 63.90 letters per line.
LanX wrote the shortest lines, averaging 57.82 letters per line.
choroba was concise as well, with only 62.06 letters per line.
Corion was loquacious, speaking a total of 369 words!
Discipulus tried to get a word in edgewise with 202 words.
Corion wrote an average of 16.04 words per line.
Discipulus tried to keep up, but could only maintain 9.62 words per line.
Discipulus always lets us know what they're doing: 1 action!
Also, GrandFather lets us know what's up with 1 action.
Karma the chameleon is apparently in hiding - none given out!
Nobody hogged the CB.
Corion was the biggest party pooper, killing the conversation 9 times.
Discipulus killed 8 conversations, too.
Rip Van Winkle's cousin, NERDVANA, had a long nap: 5 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes, and 33 seconds!
Rip's second cousin, hippo, didn't sleep quite so long, waking up after 4 days, 22 hours, 38 minutes, and 39 seconds.
choroba got the "Disturbing the peace" award for rousing the CB out of its longest slumber, after 1 day, 23 hours, 54 minutes, and 5 seconds.
The next longest slumber, at 21 hours, 22 minutes, and 10 seconds, was disturbed by none other than pope-indigent.
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